Essential Online Bookmarks for Parkinson’s E-Patients

ePatient Dave (aka Dave DeBronkart) is one of my personal heroes. While many pay lip service to helping patients to help themselves– Dave is a synonym for “patient advocate,” who through his myriad activities, speaking engagements and informative website is a tireless champion for patient engagement and source of ideas and inspiration on how to…

Parkinson’s Disease: Holiday Tips from a Medical Doctor

One of our favorite resources for events, programs and general information for the Parkinson’s community is the American Parkinson Disease Association. Here’s a timely post from their National Young Onset Center written by Marshall “Dopadoc” Davidson— a New Jersey-based M.D. who was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson’s disease back in 2005, when he was 44. Beyond…

Delay the Disease: An Exercise Program to Combat Parkinson’s Symptoms

Delay the Disease is a fitness plan and community-based exercise program designed to empower people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) to optimize their physical function. Originating in Columbus, Ohio in 2007, Delay The Disease is quickly becoming a national phenomenon in the Parkinson’s prevention field, and is starting to become internationally acknowledged. Delay the Disease founders…